Never give up.

I write everyday

something new,

To avoid problems

which ain’t really few.

Whenever I think

to speak,

Words jumble up

and, I become meek.

Thoughts run wild

I want to give up,

Crawl into my bed

And never get up.

Then I think of

why I had started

‘Cause this’s something,

all I’d ever wanted.

Things may turn

a little bizarre

I haven’t come this far,

just to come this far.

Image downloaded.

P.S.: If you’re tired, and thinking of giving up, don’t quit just yet. Here’s a little reminder for you. You’re stronger than you think you are. I’m proud of you. 🙂

Peace Over Violence.

Living life in an abstract 

Putting on an act

I don’t know how to react

Is this life a game of

an add or subtract?

Everyday we fight,

the battle of power

Is it really the need of the hour?

Bowing down due to cower

All we do is lour.

Everyday we reach a new

level of intolerance,

We cannot say a word

in our defence.

When will we choose

peace over violence?

Where do we exactly

draw the fence?

Here’s a little sketch I did a few years back.

P.S.: In our everyday life, we all have or face some sort of violence. Be it physical, mental, social or of some other sort. Especially women. So, this poem is dedicated to all the survivors out there. My website is a safe place and everybody is welcome over here. Except if you are a sexist, misogynist, racist, transphobic, homophobic or a supporter of any sort of abuse or violence. If you have to share anything, ever, feel free to do so. I support you and welcome you. Thank you. Happy reading.

A Pug Tale.

I’m just a little pug,

But, I give the best hug.

My name’s Toffee Banerjee

I’m always full of energy.

I have just turned nine,

I’m ageing like fine wine

But, I’m doing just fine.

I like to eat,

play and poop

Humans love my

nose to boop !

I love my sis,

mum and dad

I don’t like

to see them sad.

I found my family

when I was 56 days old,

These memories can

never be sold.

I’ve got a favourite toy

A towel, coloured blue

What’d I do without it ?

I’ve got no clue.

Humans are complex being

But, they treat me like a king.

They are full of sins

I let it pass as an unseen.

I love to love, kiss

and all things jolly,

I never abandon mortals

for their silly folly.

I live, laugh, love

Fly high like a free dove.

At times I’m a little goof,

for now, bye-bye, woof-woof!!

Mr. Toffee Banerjee in his natural habitat!

Live a little.

I ask, what is reel and what is real?

You say, is that all how you really feel?

I argue, this is a serious deal.

Between the Instagram lives

and Twitter fleets,

How could we let our real lives split?

So easily we let social media beat

Despite everything, we feel incomplete.

Facebook reacts, Instagram likes,

WhatsApp calls, Blog post

But, whom do we really

care about the most?

Twitter insights, channel growth,

Does it make you yourself loathe?

Look around, listen to the sound

Life is a playground,

Something may make you astound.

Don’t you give up hon,

You will find the real one!


Tell me stories

Make me calm

Help me fall asleep

In your arms.

I wander, wonder

Here standing under

If you feel the thunder

Will you surrender ?

Do you miss the way you used to smile ?

Let’s revisit all those forgotten miles

All the unspoken words pile

Kept all safe in my secret file.

So, tell me stories

Make me feel calm

Help me fall asleep

In your peaceful arms.

An open letter.

Everybody says, each day is a new beginning. A start to something fresh, something new. But, why do I feel like I’m living the exact same moment, over and over again, every day? They say that a new day is another chance to make things right. But, who decides what’s right and what’s wrong? Do you believe in second chances?

 Dear 10 year old Atrija,

Buckle up. Life is about to get crazy and quite bumpy. Soon you’ll be packing your bags and moving out to a new place, leaving behind your most beloved. You’ll be 13 and life will never feel the same. So, as you have time now, let loose a little. Live the simple goods and enjoy the little things that bring you joy. You’ll come across new people, you will lose a few old ones. A lot of them actually. Facades will fall and you will come across certain harsh realities. You will have to save your family from breaking apart. I know you don’t deserve this, but you’ll mature way ahead of your time while trying to fix others. I wish I could reverse time and make it stop. But, here I am telling you, don’t try to fix anyone. You can’t really do so. At the end of the day, you will just exhaust yourself. Atrija, life will get overwhelming. You’ll forget the things you love to do. Things that bring you joy. Promise me to trust yourself and find back all of which that you love to do. For now, I’ll make you remember. You love to listen. You love to observe. You love to write. You love to paint. You love music. You love capturing moments. And, yes let me tell you, as you will grow a little more, you will also start to enjoy baking. When everyone leaves and everything falls apart and nothing seems right, you’ll have me. In every little step that you take. Over the years, we will create this amazing partnership that the world has never seen. I will always have your back. No matter what. And, yes to answer your question that you asked earlier, we do believe in second chances. For a matter of fact, we believe in all the third, fourth, fifth, sixth and infinite chances that it may take. I know I don’t say this often, but I am so proud of all the chances that you have taken till now to survive this long. I miss our old happy self. Somehow in this whirlwind you will lose yourself and forget how to be a happy human. But, don’t worry. We are in our pursuit of happiness. Oh, I completely forgot to introduce myself to you. You must be thinking who am I? I am you. But, stronger. I am you but more open. I know that you’re scared because hearts get broken. You never really started journaling so we’re starting off with this new journey to blog our life. So that whenever you have doubts and you are not sure, you can comeback and trust your future self. We will be completing a little over two decades together in this crazy world. And, if we are ready to give some more chances to ourselves, we will complete a few more years till we can. I can’t say that don’t worry, everything will make sense later. Because, it doesn’t till now. But, you will survive. The person you love the most, will pass away. You will survive. You will face a pandemic. You will survive. Don’t give up just yet. I, for sure will say to take one day at a time. Do not rush things to make it better. Do not lose hope and hang in there. I am waiting right here for you. Come, catch up to me and we will do this crazy thing called life, together. Till the time we may. Till the time we can.


Your future self. ~ Atrija.